Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Notes on second drawings

Front cover:
-Made the feature article photo centered which alowed me more room around the outside for coverlines but it looks less edgy than breaking the convention with half the face.
-The mastehead instead of having the first two F letters in bigger sizes they are all the same.
-The mini collage of pictures is now on the right hand side to engage the reader to turn over.
-The plug in under the masthead over laping the portrait face.

Contents page:
-Seems more off the wall tone as the bottom bar is a close up line of peoples faces screaming live at a gig.
-The title is in all the same size as its front cover except it has footprint trail coming off its full stop leading to the page reference which looks visually fun and quirky.
-Also added as there was room an image of a performer and quotes near

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