Saturday, 8 January 2011


From looking at my mark scheme for last years project, my presentation scored highly. Therefore, I asked my teacher where he felt it needed boosting which turned out to be the 'social group' section. With this insight I then, re read all of my target audience questionairs to see what the audience wanted, especially the sentence and opinon sections they left, as it enabled me to get a clear sense of their personalitys and style.

Below is my changes, later in the presentation I have a slide of all the things which would appeal to the social group. So this is literally more to the point of their wants and persoanlity style.


Within all the four pages of my magazine which I created, the title of my exclusive band interview appeared. Through researching into exsisting alternative music genre magazines, if there was a band exlusive they had the same logo throughout.I decided to perform this with 'reggae rooster' shown in the pictures above. Through doing it, it has given more importance to the interview and added empahsise to the magazines house tone of vibrant rustafarien colours and tone.


When reviewing my doubel page spread, there wasn't many changed which needed to be made. I feel it already looked effective with their costumes of wellington boots and jumpers, echoing that of what festival goers wear. I knew my audience felt the same also due my feedback reaserh question- the results came back from the original article 45/50, therefore all I did was enhance the pages appearence.
-Adding a glow effect to the first pages, titles and writing making it seem eluminous like stage lighting you would see at a festival.
-Centering the page numbers on both sides to be exact.
-Editing the images to all be black and white and playing with the brightness and contrast, I feel it creates a more artistic appearence and works well with the front cover being in black and white also.


Within this page, I really just reorganised it all, as in my first magazine the initial impression of the page was it looking very scrappy and difficult to read. To achieve this more coherent appearence:

-Added boxes around all the main text
-Changed the font text to times new roman like the front cover to make a link between the two.
-Kept religiously to the colour scheme, making it consistant throughout the magazine.

Yet I still wished to keep my initial aim of this page; a hectic informal tone as from my questionairs and audience research that is what they requested. To perform that I:

-Kept all the same content to the page, aka the survival guide.Which is essential to my festival context.
-Enhanced the quirky sunglasses in the titles 'o' of contents by make a bold black line around it.
-Recut the high angel image with the magnetic lasso tool to make the edges sharper but kept the picture almost off the page to the right, engaging the readers to turn over and making it look hectic.


Overall, I am much more pleased with this result than my first attempt. I feel it is instantly more eye catching and you are able to take everything in, in comparison to my last attempts which was hard to follow and you found yourself really having to focus on reading the information. To see how I achieved this will be stated below:-

-Took a new feature article photo with a high quality camera, this reuslted in a much clearer resolution really displaying her facial expression. I choose her to make a rock and roll scrunched up face as I wanted the image to appeal to my bold, edgy and individual readership. Yet still needed it to follow conventions unlike before, so I made it a portrait close up with her eyes making eye contact to the camera aka the readers to draw them in and I positioned the image to the right hand side of the page therefore subconsioulsy making the reader wish to turn over.

-I reigned in my colour scheme alot more to only green,yellow and red ( the rustafarien colours) as it connotes a very chilled yet vibrant atmopshere like the rustafarien culture. Also I purposely chose the header to be in the promonent colour of green. This is due to the shade being linked to nature and my magazine is essentially a festival based one so it will subtely empahsise that more. The overall appearence I feel is alot more astetically pleasing to the eye due to the colours, my font choice changes from the exsentric bubble fonts in my last magazine I now changed them to simple times new roman and arial to not overwhelm the readers. Aswell as the important must read text I added a glow effect to make it stand out and accessable to read over the other information on the page.


With discovering that my practical work didn't achieve to the best of my abilities, I put in for a resit exam. When looking back over my work, I could visably see the areas which I fell down on. The main one was my front cover feature article photo, although it was one of my aims to break conventions, the slightly candid and off center photo didn't look astetically right on the page. I feel this was also because of all the editing to the image which I had performed then made the quality of the photo decreased, looking blured and poor which definately took it away from the realistic magazine effect we was aiming to produce. In regards to my other pages of the magazine, they just needed sharpening; text to be aligned in the right places and colour enhancements.